Selection procedure for cabin crew KLM

We want to be upfront; the selection procedure for cabin attendant positions consists of quite a few rounds. This is not without reason. KLM has built a considerable reputation when it comes to flight safety and service on board. We can obviously credit our excellent cabin crew for this.

To be able to keep up our standards, we apply very strict selection criteria at the gate. Are you selected? This means that you possess the correct KLM DNA and that we would love to welcome you!

Below, you can find a description of all selection rounds. After each round, it will be decided whether you can continue to the next phase:

1. Basic criteria selection
Together with Randstad, we will first check to which extent your profile matches a cabin attendant's

2. Digital tests
Next, we'll ask you to take 2 digital tests. Via a link you will find the webpage where you will find those tests. The digital tests consist of:

3. A capacity test
This is a test that checks various capacity components. For example, your math and language skills. You will be given a specific amount of time to answer each question.

  1. A competence test: This is a test in which personality traits are tested.
  2. Dyslexia / Dyscalculia: The selection process consists of a number of digital tests. If you have a dyslexia or dyscalculia statement, please contact Randstad via before you start the tests.

4. Meet & Greet
If you make it to the 3rd round, you will be welcomed by two recruiters during the Meet & Greet for a first acquaintance. You will speak with other candidates and the recruiters in Dutch and English. We will ask you to give a short presentation (in Dutch) of yourself, in about one and a half minute, in which we get the chance to get to know you better and in which you clearly state your motivation for the job.

5. Practical assignment
During the practical assignment, you will carry out a group assignment. In an interactive way, you will try to achieve a specific goal in a group. This is when you can show who you are and what you can do, in a pleasant way that is challenging at the same time.

6. Selection interview
The selection interview is also called 'CBI'. This stands for Criteria Based Interview and it means that during the interview you will be assessed on different competencies. You will have this conversation with two recruiters.

7. Antecedents investigation, security investigation, reference check and medical examination
Did you come out positively in all selection phases? Next up are a background check, a security investigation and a reference check (know that your information can be shared with KLM and/or subsidiaries when you apply). The medical examination, including a test for the use of alcohol, drugs and medicines, will be conducted before the start of the basic course. This examination will be carried out by KLM Health Services. You can find more information about this check at

Selection outcome

Positive selection result

Have you passed the entire selection procedure with positive results? Congratulations! If a spot is available, we will approach you for a basic course. The result of your application will remain valid for one year. We strive to offer you a basic course as soon as possible. In the unlikely event that this is not feasible, you will be notified by us.

Negative selection result

Did you achieve a negative result in one of the rounds? That's unfortunate! We are happy to offer you the possibility of giving you feedback via telephone. We will elaborate on the reason for the rejection so that you gain insight into your competences in relation to the function profile of cabin attendant. You can apply again after at least one year.

Selection outcome

Positive selection result

Have you passed the entire selection procedure with positive results? Congratulations! If a spot is available, we will approach you for a basic course. The result of your application will remain valid for one year. We strive to offer you a basic course as soon as possible. In the unlikely event that this is not feasible, you will be notified by us.

Negative selection result

Did you achieve a negative result in one of the rounds? That's unfortunate! We are happy to offer you the possibility of giving you feedback via telephone. We will elaborate on the reason for the rejection so that you gain insight into your competences in relation to the function profile of cabin attendant. You can apply again after at least one year.