Frequently asked questions

Do you have any questions? There's a good chance you will find the answers among the frequently asked questions. 

Frequently asked questions

Do you have any questions? There's a good chance you will find the answers among the frequently asked questions. 

This website is for people who would like to work at KLM and for KLM employees. Would you like to apply for a job at KLM? Then you can create a candidate/application profile. There you can see the status of your application, save your application, upload or update your CV and manage your job alerts and more.

If you log in as a KLM employee, more webpages are available with information for KLM employees and you can see the internal vacancies.

Check the navigation of the website. Do you see “My account”? Then you are already logged in. Do you see “Employee login”? Then click there to log in.

Click on “Employee login” in the top navigation of the website. Of you go to the career site from or MyHR, then login goes automatically when you click on “Employee login” Do you have to sign in? Use your KLM e-mail address or your KLM ID number (starts with K followed by your ID number). Depending on the length of your ID number, you might have to add a 0. Example: K0xxxxx.

You don’t have to create an account to see KLM vacancies. Are you applying for a job or do you want to setup a job alert? Then you need to create an application account. Click on “View profile” to sign in or create a new account.

When you apply for a job, you automatically create an account with your information, resume etc. In your profile, you can view the status of your application, manage job alerts, save vacancies and change your personal information. You can delete your profile at all times.

Click in the website navigation on “View profile” to sign in.

A job alert gives you an email update of vacancies that you might like. You can do this based on keywords and or location. You can add multiple keywords such as a role, division, salary level and more. You can choose how frequently you want to receive a job alert.

There are 2 ways to create a job alert:

  1. Start with a search in the searchbar on the website. Add any keywords you want the jobalert to look for. This can be a division, role, salarylevel etc. Next change the number of days to set the email interval. Next click on Create job alert (you have to be logged in to create a job alert).
  2. Go to your profile, click on “Options” and “Job alerts.” Next click on “Create job alert,” add search words or location in the search bar and preview the results. Select the email interval by changing the number of days and click on “Create alert.”

Check this video for a demo

You can view and delete job alerts in your profile. Are you an employee? Click on “Employee login,” go to “My account” and “View profile.” If you aren’t a KLM employee, click on “View profile”

Next, click on “Options” and “Job alerts” Here you see a list of your job alerts. You can delete them by clicking on the bin icon behind the alert.

Remark: Above the job alerts, there is a tick box with the text: Receive new job posting notifications. Make sure this box is ticked. Otherwise, you can’t receive emails from the career site.

Remark: In jour profile, above the job alerts, there is a tick box with the text: Receive new job posting notifications. Make sure this box is ticked. Otherwise, you can’t receive emails from the career site. In this video you can see where and how to change the setting.

Every job alert you create will generate a separate email.

Each vacancy contains a deadline for applying. You can find the 'apply before' date at the top of the vacancy details page.

For some of our vacancies, we accept applications on a rolling basis. These vacancies don't have a closing date.

If you have already applied for a position, then it only makes sense to apply again if you can show us why you are the right candidate now.

For example, if you are rejected because your English is not good enough, then it makes sense to apply again after you have successfully completed an English language course.

We host events at many universities in the Netherlands to spread the word about our internships and corporate management and business IT traineeships for recent graduates.

Check with your university's careers center to see if KLM will be visiting your campus. And though we can't visit every university, you can find and apply for all internships and management traineeships online.

Good preparation is half the battle. We would like to give you some advice.

  • Make sure you can say something about each item of your resume. What were your responsibilities with your previous position(s)? What have you achieved? How did you manage that? Think of concrete examples beforehand.
  • Google the most frequently asked questions during an application, and prepare them. Consider, for example, what your strengths and weaknesses are, why you are suitable for the role, what distinguishes you from others and where you want to stand in 5 years time.
  • Make sure you are aware of the ins and outs of the job and KLM in general. What are the current developments? Do you have any questions about the vacancy? Feel free to call the contact person (the number can be found at the bottom of the vacancy).
  • Make sure you are well rested on the day itself.
  • Dress representative, but make sure you feel comfortable.
  • Make sure you are well on time, so you do not have any stress about that.
  • Be yourself during the interview. We would like to know yóu!

An assessment can be part of the application procedure. This is aimed at testing your intelligence or personality.

Often a test consists of multiple choice questions. You will receive a link from your recruiter in advance so that you can practice this at home. In addition, many assessments also contain interviews or extemporisations (practical simulation).

Yes, you can apply for more than one role at once, though we recommend narrowing your choices down to a few jobs that truly match your skills, experience, and interests.

You will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than 2 weeks after the closing date of the vacancy.

This differs per job, but the application procedure in can be found here.

You can see if we have any open vacancies on our KLM Careers website. You can also follow KLM on social media. We cannot process unsolicited applications due to the popularity of this job.

You can find all the information about the selection procedure for KLM cabin crew here. If after reading it you still have questions, you can send an e-mail to . We will be happy to help.

When you apply, it is important that you have had your diploma accredited. Keep in mind it can take a couple of weeks for the accreditation process.

When you are invited to the first selection round you should have your original diploma and the result of the accreditation with you.

Bachelors and Master's degrees are drawn up according to European guidelines and have an equivalent level within Europe. You therefore do not need to have these degrees accredited.

We also accept older diplomas from European universities.

During the application, you should upload the proof of accreditation that confirms your diploma meets the established requirements (at least HAVO or MBO, level 4).

The medical examination includes a blood and urine test to investigate the use of medication, alcohol and drugs. You must meet the requirements of the medical examination to be an employee of KLM/KLC; the results may not show any traces of drugs in your blood or urine. KLM/KLC has a zero tolerance policy regarding this matter. Do you use medication with a psychoactive effect? In that case, your use will be assessed by the medical examiner at KLM Health Services. If alcohol is found, the possibility of excessive alcohol consumption will be investigated.

The selection procedure comprises various phases. After each phase, you will be told either verbally or in writing whether you are through to the next round.

The result of your application is valid for one year. We aim to find you a place on a basic course as soon as possible. Should this unfortunately not happen, we will inform you.

The reason we apply a one year limit is that you and/or your circumstances can change after 12 months. Even if you have been rejected, the result of your application is valid for one year. If you have been rejected, we expect you will need at least one year to further develop your competencies.

Yes, KLM uses the Dutch Network for HR Professionals Recruitment code. At KLM we are committed to a transparent and honest recruitment and selection process.

  • After the basic course, you are available full-time for at least six months. After which, there is the option to work part time.
  • You have a minimum of a senior general secondary education (HAVO) or intermediate vocational education diploma (MBO, level 4).
  • You are at least 21 years old
  • You have excellent written and verbal proficiency in Dutch and English
  • You are between 1.58 and 1.90 metres tall
  • You have a presentable appearance
  • You are a competent swimmer
  • You have no visible tattoos, piercings or tooth decorations
  • You are prepared to wear the KLM uniform and to respect the uniform regulations
  • You are prepared to work and stay all over the world
  • During an on-call shift, you must be able to get to Schiphol within one hour

At KLM, every cabin attendant is unique. And yet, there are a number of personality characteristics that are important for anyone who wants to fly with us. As a cabin attendant, you promote the KLM image on board. You radiate energy, can connect easily and are focused on your surroundings. Furthermore, you have a well-groomed appearance, a strong sense of responsibility and like making sure others are enjoying themselves. Because you work with different colleagues every day and you deal with a wide range of passengers, you are flexible and can adapt to a changing environment. You are open minded and genuinely interested in others, which makes passengers feel heard, acknowledged and safe.

If you are unsure whether your diploma meets the minimum HAVO or MBO level 4, for example because you obtained a diploma abroad, then DUO offers the solution. On the DUO website you can check whether your diploma meets the required level.

You are free to live where you want. During call-up shifts, however, we expect you to be able to get to Schiphol within one hour.

Tattoos and piercings should not be visible when you are wearing the KLM uniform. Tongue piercings are not allowed, neither are decorations or jewels on your teeth. You must remove any piercings before flying.

From five days before the start of the basic course, you can get yourself vaccinated at KLM Health Services against the following diseases: yellow fever, typhoid, DTP and hepatitis A. These vaccinations are required for cabin attendants. KLM pays for the vaccinations.

As a cabin attendant you fly to destinations across the globe. That means you can come into contact with cultures and/or beliefs that differ from your own. We consider it important that you have considered beforehand whether this would be a problem for you.

If you have stamps in your passport from countries that are in conflict with each other, then we request you apply for a second passport. This applies to Israel and Iran, both KLM destinations. You cannot declare the costs for your second passport. You can find more information via this link.

The basic criteria are the minimum requirements you must meet as a KLM cabin attendant. If you do not meet these criteria, we advise you not to apply, because we will not be able to process your application.

For more information about the basic course, you can go here.

Once you have been successful in the selection procedure, we aim to place you on a basic course as soon as possible. Should this unfortunately not happen, we will inform you.

When you have been successful in the selection procedure and the basic course, we will offer you a contract for one year. After one year, if you perform well, that contract can be converted into a permanent contract. You can find more information about the employment terms and conditions here.

You can indicate a preference for a flight in the scheduling system for cabin crew. It is important you are aware there is no guarantee you will get your preference.

If you haven't found the answer to your question, then please contact us on +31 (0)20 64 96 100 or by e-mail to . We will be happy to help.

You are an internal candidate if you have a permanent contract at KLM.

Current vacancies are published on the vacancy site . Internal vacancies are visible after logging in.

As an internal candidate you apply for the position of cabin attendant through the vacancy site. Internal vacancies are visible after logging in. You are allowed to follow the full application procedure until the end, without intermediate selection moments. Instead of a references check, a personnel file check is carried out. By participating in the application procedure you automatically give permission for this personnel file check.

You will receive the result by mail within ten working days after the selection. With a positive result, the mail will contain information about the following steps in the procedure. With a negative result, you can make a telephone appointment for feedback on your rejection, if you wish to do so.

During the basic course, you keep the salary (excluding supplements) applicable to your old job.

When you have successfully completed the basic course, you will receive a basic salary of € 2,338.27 per month (as established according to the terms and conditions in the CLA for KLM cabin crew).

If you accept the job of cabin attendant, you cannot automatically return to your old job.

If you already have a permanent contract, you keep that contract after successfully completing the basic course. This will be a contract based on full-time employment. If you currently have a temporary contract, once you have successfully completed the basic course, you will, in principle, get a new temporary contract (of one year).

Yes, you keep that date with regard to the 25th or 40th work anniversary and the IPB facilities. The date you start working for Inflight Services (after passing the basic course), will, however, be the applicable date with regard to promotions, requesting part-time, starting a secondary job, etc.

You do not have to reapply if you have already done so for the current calendar year. The 'cafeteria' scheme is a scheme under the KLM's employment terms and conditions whereby 'resources' can be used for 'goals'. It can offer tax benefits. The tax authorities require you make a personal choice every year.

If you want a value transfer, you should request this from the Blue Sky Group within six months after starting employment at KLM Inflight Services.

You are allowed to take non-activity in the first year as a cabin attendant, but KLM considers it desirable that you wait to submit a request for non-activity until you have sufficient experience. You can of course discuss this with your Cabin Crew Manager. You can submit a request through DANA (digital request for non-activity) on

You can request parental leave if your child is under 8 years of age and you have parental leave available. You can find further information and the application form on > Inflight Services > My Work & Development > parental leave.

The medical examination includes a blood and urine test to investigate the use of medication, alcohol and drugs. You must meet the requirements of the medical examination to be an employee of KLM/KLC; the results may not show any traces of drugs in your blood or urine. KLM/KLC has a zero tolerance policy regarding this matter. Do you use medication with a psychoactive effect? In that case, your use will be assessed by the medical examiner at KLM Health Services. If alcohol is found, the possibility of excessive alcohol consumption will be investigated.

This is possible although the interviewers might want to meet you in person. Should this be the case then we will inform you in good time.

You can only apply when the vacancy for Cabin attendant is open and available on the career website. Unsolicited applications will not be processed.

Once the vacancy has closed, it is no longer possible to apply. Unsolicited applications will not be processed.

You can find all the information about the selection procedure for KLM Cityhopper cabin crew here. If after reading it you still have questions, you can reach us by telephone on +31 (0)20 64 96 100 or send an e-mail to We will be happy to help.

No, it is important that you add the highest level diploma you have obtained.

No, you are not allowed to apply for the job of cabin attendant at both airlines at the same time. If you are rejected, you can reapply to KLM Cityhopper after 12 months.

You can apply 12 months after your application interview, unless the selector's advice states otherwise. It is important you can demonstrate that you have worked on the points you were rejected on.

Whether you can reapply or not depends on the reason for stopping and the advice you were given when you discontinued the course. Take note: There must be at least one year between the final day of your course and a new application.

Yes, KLM Cityhopper uses the Dutch Network for HR Professionals (NVP) Recruitment code. At KLM Cityhopper we are committed to a transparent and honest recruitment and selection process.

No, there is no point in applying if you do not meet the job requirements.

Yes, an oral English exam is part of the selection process. Furthermore, the internal course followed at KLM Cityhopper is given and tested in English. Our experience is that English at the level of intermediate vocational education MBO, level 3 is not always sufficient.

No, you cannot come to an interview unless you have recorded a video.

If you want to apply to KLM Cityhopper and you have followed prior education abroad or the education level is not clearly indicated on your diploma, then have your diploma assessed by Nuffic.

If you are unsure whether your diploma meets the minimum HAVO or MBO level 3, for example because you obtained a diploma abroad, then DUO offers the solution. On the DUO website you can check whether your diploma meets the required level.

When you have successfully completed all the selection rounds, you will be put on a waiting list. At this stage the start date of your potential course is yet to be announced. Your place on the waiting list is valid for one year, as stated in your acceptance letter after the second interview.

There are currently no work placements at KLM Cityhopper cabin.

KLM Cityhopper does not provide special meals for personnel.

The medical examination includes a blood and urine test to investigate the use of medication, alcohol and drugs. You must meet the requirements of the medical examination to be an employee of KLM/KLC; the results may not show any traces of drugs in your blood or urine. KLM/KLC has a zero tolerance policy regarding this matter. Do you use medication with a psychoactive effect? In that case, your use will be assessed by the medical examiner at KLM Health Services. If alcohol is found, the possibility of excessive alcohol consumption will be investigated.

If you haven't found the answer to your question, then please send us an e-mail to We will be happy to help.

There is no point in applying if we do not have any open vacancies. Unfortunately, we cannot process unsolicited applications.

When we have an open vacancy, you can always find the hiring requirements listed in the vacancy. For reference, below are the hiring requirements we apply given the current market conditions. It is possible that these requirements will change for a subsequent vacancy.


  • Minimum of senior general secondary education (HAVO) diploma including the subjects of English, mathematics and physics (or equivalent foreign education)
  • Passport from an EU member state
  • Height: between 1.58 to 2.03 metres (5'1'' to 6'6''). No leg measurement will be taken.
  • Good knowledge of the Dutch language. If you are not a Dutch speaker, then before the selection procedure we will ask you to take an exam at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Licences / certificates:

  • Class I medical*
  • (Frozen) ATPL*
  • LPE6
  • Type of rating as stated in the vacancy text
  • Initial CRM
  • Radio Telephony (RT)
  • Completed Multi Crew Course
  • Trained in UPRT (Upset Prevention & Recovery Training)
  • Both the medical and the Flight Crew Licence should be issued in the Netherlands or converted in order to potentially be hired.


You have preferably completed the following flight training: KLS, NLS, CAE (Oxford), EPST, MFA or you have a Military Pilot License from the Dutch Royal Airforce / Marines (MPL-A). Additionally, you have at least 500 hours of experience flying a heavy twin fixed wing (5,700 kg or more). Of those 500, at least 150 hours were flown in commercial aviation in the 12 months prior to your application, or experience as a Military Pilot.

The salary is established in the CLA. The salary level is determined by your age, the period you are employed and your exact job. A starting salary amounts to between ca. € 2,400 to a maximum of ca. € 5,500 gross per month, excluding emoluments and pension supplements.

When you submit your application, our system checks whether your uploaded files contain any viruses or active content. If this seems to be the case, your application won't go through. Annoying? Yes, but fortunately it's not your fault!

Make sure that your resume, motivation letter, and any other files are free of viruses or active content. Active content can be a link, e.g. to your LinkedIn profile or a YouTube video, an animated image or embedded video. It can also be a file that has been generated online, e.g. a tool that creates a CV based on your LinkedIn profile. In other words: the 'cleaner' your files, the greater the chance they will pass our digital scan.

When you submit your application, our system checks whether your uploaded files contain active content. If this seems to be the case, your application won't go through. Annoying? Yes, but fortunately it's not your fault!

Make sure that your resume, motivation letter, and any other files are free of active content. Active content can be a link, e.g. to your LinkedIn profile or a YouTube video, or an animated image or embedded video. It can also be a file that has been generated online, e.g. a tool that creates a resume based on your LinkedIn profile. In other words: the 'cleaner' your files, the greater the chance they will pass our digital scan.